A blog about some of the biggest business email security mistakes.

We have come all around in our professional life but one thing remains same and that is email. Email remains a primary way to communicate and connect with others across the world. We all are relied on email for business and for personal use and billions of peoples use email daily. 

It’s become easy to use email as its convenience, eases of use, wide reach and ability to contain rich media among other things — is well known. If we keep all benefits of email aside for a minute we should also understand that attackers are keeping email on their top priority for cyber-attack. , email is vulnerable to attack, and it is attackers who can reap large rewards if they learn how to penetrate email defenses. Today in our blog post we will be covering all information on the email security and how you can decrease the risk vulnerability through emails.


With over 90% of attacks on organizations starting from a malicious email, relying on your built-in security might leave your organization open to cyber criminals that constantly capitalize on the number one attack vector: exploiting human nature and the lack of tight security. As the Internet evolved, so did email. Since the earliest days of email, it has been abused and misused in different ways with no shortage of email threats. Abuse of email includes the following:

Email security tries to protect email communication networks from threats and abuse. Within the topic of email security, numerous email security methods have been proposed and recommended for deployment by technical standards groups to assist restrict email hazards.

Why is email security important?

Email is a popular form of communication for business and is often used by companies as an integral part of their IT infrastructure, which allows them to communicate at the corporate level. A security risk to email, such as a denial of service attack that prevents access, can limit the ability of a business to conduct business. Spam, a huge security threat for email users, is both an annoyance and can lure users into phishing attacks.


Email can reveal a lot of sensitive information that should not be made available to the recipient of an email message. Without email security measures, sensitive information could be leaked to an unauthorized entity. A small breach in an email’s security can allow fatal malware or spyware to enter an organization’s entire communication network, creating havoc and destruction throughout the organization. The situation is worsened when the organization falls victim to destructive ransomware.  Even seasoned professionals and experienced employees have been victimized by cyber thieves, who may leak sensitive information to the public or sell it to others in the course of a vendetta.

What are the commercial advantages of email security?

In today’s digital world, email has become an indispensable part of most people’s lives. Emails are used for almost every communication in an enterprise, and it is important for enterprises not to become complacent about protecting data shared via emails, because cybercriminals can use them to cause severe damage to a business’s reputation.


In the face of growing threats from hackers, viruses, spam, phishing, identity theft and ransomware attacks, it is more important than ever for businesses to protect their business data with email security.


Here are some of the benefits of email security for enterprises like you:

Enhance spam and phishing protection.

A powerful threat defense is required to defend your organization from ever-evolving phishing attacks. In these attacks, hackers send an email that appears to be from a legitimate sender in order to deceive employees into revealing sensitive customer information like account numbers, passwords, or credit card details. Email security solutions for businesses can detect unwanted spam and other unsafe emails, thereby allowing your customers to block or take other actions against suspicious emails.

Maintain the privacy of your communications.

Email security techniques, such as email encryption software or programs, ensure the confidentiality of email messaging. Such software can be critical when sending any confidential information or during sensitive communications. This kind of software represents a tangible investment that can save an organization from compromising sensitive data.

Get protection against zero-day threats.

To protect your organization against a zero-day threat, implement security measures to defend against attacks initiated via a malicious link or rogue attachment. Secure Email Gateway helps prevent a zero-day attack by providing anti-malware and anti-spam protection.

Best practices for email security include the following

Enforce encrypted connections

All connections to and from an email platform should occur over an SSL/TLS encrypted connection that protects data as it transits the public internet.

Encrypt email

While it may not be the best option for every user at every company, encrypting email communications adds an extra degree of security that can help prevent illegal data disclosure.

Create strong passwords

For users, it is important that any passwords are complex and not easy to guess. It’s often recommended that users have passwords with a combination of letter, numbers and symbols.

Educate employees

Employee education and security awareness training are essential components of a strong firm email security policy. It is critical to provide regular, comprehensive security training to staff, as they are an organization’s first line of defence. Not only will this reduce the chance of human error, but it will also reinforce this crucial protection.

Secure the email gateway

Implementing a secure email gateway is one of the best practises that enterprises should follow. All incoming and outgoing emails are scanned and processed by an email gateway, which ensures that no threats are allowed in.


Because the email system works in conjunction with the enterprise’s broader workflow and operations, it may help both businesses and employees create a safe working environment. Implementing an efficient workplace email security plan may appear hard and intimidating, but appropriately prioritising the essentials may be a huge help to any company. Without appropriate email security measures, an organization will always be vulnerable to email threats, regardless of other advanced technology it has deployed.